Who are we ?

Our website address is: https://neove.fr

Use of the personal data collected

When browsing the www.neove.fr website, the URL through which the user has accessed the www.neove.fr website, the user’s Internet provider name, the user’s IP protocal address, or your name, first name and e.mail through the contact box, can be collected.
The current data shall be kept 38 months :
– Starting from the data collection or from the last contacts for prospects
– Starting from the end of the business relationship for the clients.


When you leave a comment on our website, the data inscribed in the comments form ,plus your IP address and the address of the agent-user of your browser, are collected to help us detect unwanted comments.
An anonymized chain, created from your mail address (also named hash) can be sent to the Gravatar service to check if you use it. The confidentiality clauses of the Gravatar service are available here : https://automattic.com/privacy/. Further to the validation of your comment, you profile and photo will be publicly visible next to your comment.


Should you be a registered user and should you upload images within the website, we advise avoiding using images containing EXIF data of GPS coordinates. The users of your website can download and extract localisation data from these images.

Contact forms

When you make contact with Neove through the contact form, you accept the confidentiality policy of the website.You accept to fill in your name&first name, plus your e-mail address. These informations are exclusively used to answer your contact request and will never be disposed of or sold to third parties. No e-mail address shall be transmitted to their parties, including our partners, except with the written agreement of the interested person.
At all events, www.neove.fr collects the user’s personal data only for the use of certain services proposed by the www.neove.fr . The user provides this information knowing all the facts when he personally enters it. Doing so, the user of the www.neove.fr website is informed about the obligation to provide or not this information.

As required by the articles 38 et seq. of the 78-17 January 6 1978 law relating to the Data, Files and Freedom act, each user has a right to rectification and cancellation to his or her personal data by sending a request through the website contact form, stating the nature of the request:
– Withdraw your consent
– Access your data/modify them/ Ask for cancellation
– Ask for their transfer to a third party

No personal information regarding the user of the www.neove.fr webiste shall be published, exchanged, transferred, conceded or sold on any support to a third party unbeknownst to the user. Only the hypothesis of the buyback of Neove and of its rights would allow for the transmission of the aforementioned information to the potential purchaser who would in turn be bound to the same data conservation and modification obligation regarding the user of the www.neove.fr website.


Browsing the www.neove.fr website is likely to produce the installation of cookies in the user’s computer. A cookie is a small-size file that doesn’t allow the identification of the user but records informations relating to the Internet navigation of a computer within a site. The data collected aims at facilitating the future navigation within the site and at allowing for varied traffic measures.
Refusal to install a cookie can result in the impossibility to access certain services. However, the user can configure his/her computer in order to refuste the installation of cookies.
Should you leave a comment within our website, you will be proposed to register you name, e-mail address and website in the cookies. This is meant only for your comfort, not to have to enter these informatinos should you enter another comment later. Cookies expire after one year.
Should you have an account and connect on this site, a temporaray cookie wil be created in order to check if your browser accept cookies. It doesn’t contain personal data and will be cancelled automatically when you close your browser.
When you will connect to the website, we will set up a certain amount of cookies to register information about the connexion and your screen preferences.
The life duration of a connexion cookie lasts two days, that of a screen option cookie one year. Shoud you tick « remeber me », your connexion cookie will be kept two weeks. Should you disconnect your account, the connexion cookie will be cancelled. When modifying or publishing an article, an additional cookie will be registered within your browser. Such cookie doesn’t contain any personal data. It simply mentions the ID of the article you have modified. It expires at the end of one day.

Contents embarked from other sites

The articles of this site can include integrated contents (for example videos, images, articles…). The content integrated from another site behaves as if the visitor was connecting to this other site.
These sites could collect data about you, use cookies, embark third parties tool tracks, follow your interactions with tne embarked contents if you have an account connected to their website.

Statistics and traffic measures

We use Google Analytics to measure the audience and get statistics about the website visits : the data collected through Google Analytics will never be disposed of or sold to third parties and will be automatically cancelled at the latest 38 days from the website visit.

Use and transmistion of your personal data

Storage duration of your data

Should you have contacted us through our contact form, the data collected will be stored 38 months:
– Starting from the data collection or from the last contacts for prospects
– Starting from the end of the business relationship for the clients

Should you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata will be kept indefinitely. This allows for the recogniition and
approval of any further comments instead of leaving them in the moderation queue.
Redarding the users who register within our site (if this is possible), we also keep the personal data mentioned in their profile. All users can see, modify or cancel their informations at any time (except for the user’s name). The site webmasters can also see and modify these informations.

The rights you have on your data

Should you have an account or should you have left comments within the site, you are entitled to ask for the file containing all the personal data we possess about you, including the data you have provided to us. You can also ask for the cancellation of the personal data about you. This doesn’t take into account the data stocked for administrative or legal purposes or for security reasons.

Transmission of your personal data

The visitors comments can be checked through an automated detection service of undesirable comments.

Contact information

Tel: +33 6 08 43 75 09
E-mail: pascale.dor@neove.fr
Address:8 Avenue Duvelleroy, 94130 Nogent-sur-Marne

SIRET: 79216089700015

Additional information

How we protect your data

The security of your data is essential for us and the site is updated daily to keep up with the latest security measures.

Procedures implemented should a privacy breach occur

If unfortunaely the site happened to be faked by fraudsters, we will inform you about a possible privacy breach.

Third parties services that transmit data to us


Automated marketing operations and/or profiling performed with personal data


Display of informations associated to sectors submitted to specific regulations
